Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What I Liked Best About Life Skills By: Jessica McKinney

I learned how to use money in stores and in real life.  It was so much fun because I caught on right away, and I got it right most of the time! I also had fun learning how to count back money for people in the stores or at sales.  This will help me at garage sales this summer!  Even though it was not real money, I had alot of fun because now I know how to count money!

Things I Like Most About Life Skills Class by Chesnie Blankenship

I enjoyed several different things this year in Life Skills class.  I really enjoyed  cooking and learned alot about it.  I liked making Fruit Pizza the best!   I also liked when we had to do a word search puzzle every Wednesday to review our our Spelling words. I've really gotten alot better at doing word searches.  I really liked celebrating the holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving too.  For Christmas I got a makeup kit, and for Thanksgiving all the kids could have one guest to join us for our feast and eat what we had cooked. It was alot of fun when we went to the park and cooked hotdogs, cheeseburgers, and other foods.  I enjoyed it when Miss Fratus took pictures of us (I looked good in them, just saying!~). To tell you the truth, I kinda liked it here at the junior/senior high school this year.  One day around April Fool's day, Mrs. Bright gave us kids a lottery ticket.  I was scratching mine off, then I went up to Mrs. Bright and asked her how we know if we won or not.  She explained it to me, and I took another good look at it and I was so happy...  I ran over to Mrs. Bright to show her that I had WON $5,000!  She was all happy too, and said that I have to split it with her.  I was a little unhappy about that, but I didn't really care as long as I was going to get some money too.  I was so excited and telling everyone in the room, then Taylor and Kaelin came up to me and said, "Chesnie, Chesnie..... they're fake!  WOW... Mrs. Bright really got me on April Fool's!

What I Liked Most About Life Skills Class By Brandon McKinney

I enjoyed making brownies in Mrs. Bright's Life skills class.  I especially liked the friends I made in class.  They are very kind and friendly.  I liked being able to make crafts and drawing in class sometimes.

What I Liked Best About Life Skills class By Kaelin Harting

I liked it when we cooked a big feast for Thanksgiving dinner. We had everyone there and I had fun with Jessica and her sister, and my Grandma.  I liked the Christmas party that we had and exchanging gifts with each other.  I will miss everything about this class!

What I Enjoyed Most About Life Skills Class :P :By :Spencer Bach

The things that I enjoyed the most in Mrs.Brights life skills class was that you can cook anything if you follow instructions and listen. I also enjoyed the picnic, because we all climbed up the big rock. The teacher watched us so we didn't fall off. Plus we also ate hamburgers and hot-dogs  with with some condiments. We also took some pictures of everyone at the picnic. We took some in front of the waterfall and some in front of the big rock. I'm looking forward to getting our pictures back to pass out to family and friends.

What I Enjoyed Most In Lifeskills by Mike Brinker

The thing I enjoyed the most was cooking.
We learned how to work as a team.
I know how to make so many different things now.
My favorite thing to make was the Oreo Dessert.
I can make a variety of different foods now.
Desserts are my favorite though!!!!

My favorite thing about Life Skills Class by Bri Lengel

I have learned how to cook this year, I have also learned how to tell time with clocks and military time, I have also learned how to read time schedules. I have learned the things I need to know in order  to pass the written driving test. I have also learned how to do the banking, which includes writing checks and balancing a check book.  I have expanded my vocabulary in different subjects.

My favorite thing about Life Skills by Talbot McKee

My favorite thing I learned this year in Mrs. Bright's Life Skills class was the rules of the road in the entire Driving class! There was so much in the 12 Driving units that I didn't know! I loved everything about Driving; I loved the licensing, inspection, registration, insurance, right-of-way, parking, speed limits, signaling, and passing, to name just a few. There is so much you need to know about the road, its rules, sharing it, and traffic. I didn't know that organ donation and voter registration had anything to do with Driving, but you can register for both at the license bureau. I loved the Driving class more than any other because Driving was so interesting to me. That's why Driving was my favorite thing in Mrs. Bright's Life Skills class that I learned this year.